Thank you!

Without the help from our generous sponsors, we wouldn't be able to provide the cadets with the necessary supplies and opportunities to compete in various competitions.
If you are visiting us for the first time, welcome! Please take this opportunity to click on the buttons below to read a letter from our Booster President, our journey as a growing MCJROTC program, consider one of our sponsorship levels, and if you feel inspired to help us form future leaders through this excellent program, please fill out the Sponsorship Form. We look forward to our future partnership through your generous donation.
Here's a letter from our Booster President, Erik Best. Please use when reaching out to companies.
Click below to read about our nationally recognized drill team, The Texas Greenhorns, and to learn more about what our MCJROTC program at College Park provides thanks to our gracious donors.
If you are interested in being one of our Sponsors our would like to donate to our MCJROTC program, click below to see the levels of sponsorship and other ways in which you can donate.
Once you decide how you or your business would like to help our MCJROTC program, please click below to fill our the form for sponsorship!
If you have any questions regarding any of the information below, please contact us at twcpjrotc@gmail.com
To the family & friends of the MCJROTC program:
If you know of a business that would like to be promoted locally (& nationally as the drill team travels for competitions and takes either their trailer or a van for equipment) please direct them to this website.
If they do not have a business to promote but would rather just make a donation, please also send them to this website where we have placed our QR code for one time donations...or however many donations they would like to make. We will not stop them. In fact, we welcome and are grateful for any inspiration received to donate multiple times!