Welcome to the TWCP JROTC
Booster Club!
The College Park USMC JROTC Booster Club is a group formed by parents and family members that are dedicated to supporting the local College Park Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) program. Our family-oriented organization is focused on providing the instructors with the resources they need to help our Cadets succeed both in school and in life. We take pride in our efforts to raise funds for the program, provide volunteer opportunities, and host a variety of events and activities.
We're always looking for willing volunteers to join and bring some fresh ideas to the table. Send us your email and we'll get you in the loop for parent volunteer opportunities, events, competitions, and more through the TWCP JROTC Booster Club! More hands make lighter work!
Meet the MCJROTC
Booster Club Officers
We're always looking for willing volunteers to join and bring some fresh ideas to the table. Send us your email and we'll get you in the loop for parent volunteer opportunities, events, competitions, and more through the TWCP JROTC Booster Club! More hands make lighter work!
This is the Band app! If you're unfamiliar with it you can go to your Smart Phone and download the app. There is a Band Guide that will help with any questions. This is our first year to use with parents but from what we've seen it is pretty amazing and we will keep it up to date as much as possible. Most communication is done from Instructor to Cadet which teaches them great responsibility. We also know, they're teenagers so when there is important information that want parents to access, we will put it here.
You can find us on Facebook by loooking up TWCP JROTC Booster Club! We know that there are some that prefer to stay off of social media but in case you're on it, here is the name of the group. You will ask to follow and will be approved by the Administrator. This is a private group and only those with cadets currently enrolled will be able to join.

As you may have already heard, we have a nationally recognized high school drill team, the Texas Greenhorns who have won National Champions titles four time times since 2017. You can follow them on Instagram by looking up their handle: texasgreenhorns.
Available upon request: Tina Baird (Treasurer) treasurertwcpjrotc@gmail.com
August 30, 2023 Cash Basis Financial Report
September 28, 2023 Cash Basis Financial Report
October 26, 2023 Cash Basis Financial Report
December 6, 2023 Cash Basis Financial Report
January 25, 2024 Cash Basis Financial Report
Our JROTC Booster meetings will take place in the JROTC room located on the first floor of College Park HS. All meetings start at 6:30 p.m. and are typically held on the last Thursday of the month.
Kroger Community Rewards
Help us do some easy fundraising for our JROTC group by doing what you do on a weekly basis: Grocery Shopping! We've paired up with Kroger grocery store so that every time you use your card, a portion of what you've paid for goes directly to the College Park TWCP JROTC program! Click on the Kroger image below to go directly to the Community Rewards page to set up your Kroger card TODAY!

Click on the Kroger icon to go to the Community Rewards link for step by step instructions. Look for our group name: TWCP JROTC Booster Club.